Dog Training School | What to Look For
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Dog Training School | What to Look For

If you’re looking for a dog training school, then this probably means one of two things – either you’re just too busy to train your dog yourself, which should never be the case, as it only takes a couple minutes to dedicate to your dog a day, or you’ve already tried training your dog and are ready to tear out your hair, or worse yet, give up the dog to someone else!  

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to send your beloved pet to a dog training  school regardless of your reasons; training a dog is not like raising a child.  

It’s okay if you pay someone else to train your dog, but like a daycare for your child or a school for yourself, there are some things you want to remember when searching for a dog training school rather than simply opting for the closest or cheapest. 

First thing you have to ask yourself is: what you expect out of a dog training school?  Many training schools may just teach the basics of simple commands such as sit or stay, and teach dogs not to beg or bark incessantly, how to follow their masters when on a leash, and so on.  While others focus on everyday practical application of obedience.

There are also pretty standard schools that you would send a puppy or young dog to in order to just learn the basics of civilized behavior when with a family.  Then there are schools who specialize in aggressive or problem behavior.  This might include biting, growling, marking the territory, and so on.  At awoken k9 we recognize that every dog is different and pride our selves in training any dog, breed, size, and problem.

Some might have a dog that is well trained and are looking for a dog training school in order to take their dog to the next level of performance.  All of the advanced training may cover focused heeling,  jumping, staying in any distraction, retrieving , and so on.  These types of exercises or lessons are typically for individuals that may want to compete with their dogs, or just take their overall training and relationship with their dog to the next level! 

When selecting a dog training school, be sure to meet the instructors in charge beforehand to get a clear understanding of their methods. Forcing a dog into submission or to perform on command is not only abusive, but it’s dangerous to your dog’s emotional health overall.  Instead, look for a trainer that starts making your dog’s learning process fun for him, so he enjoys doing what he’s learning!

Dogs that have been mishandled in any way are typically skittish or nervous, and don’t socialize well with other animals or humans. These dogs take special care, so knowing how to handle different dogs is crucial, including both dogs with behavior problems, and brand new puppies.

Every dog is different, and there is no way as a good trainer you can limit yourself to just one approach!

To awaken your dogs true potential contact us here or Give us a call!

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