How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing In The Crate!
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How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing In The Crate!

Whether you just adopted a new puppy or your puppy is already settled in, teaching your pup where is the appropriate location to “potty” is one of the first things any puppy owner must teach.


Here’s a simple yet effective way how to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate and begin teaching your puppy to pee where you do want!


Potty training can seem a bit overwhelming especially if your puppy just keeps making the same mistakes but have no fear here’s how to stop your puppy from peeing inside the crate!


Before We Begin


Before we begin its important that you rule out any health factors that could be the cause for your puppy being inside his crate so be sure that your puppy has been checked by a veterinarian.


Once you’ve got your puppy checked by a veterinarian its time to learn how to stop your puppy from peeing inside his crate with training!


Why Your Your Puppy Is Peeing Inside the Crate


How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing In The Crate!


There can be various reasons why your puppy may be peeing inside the crate here are some of the most common reasons!


Small Bladder:


One of the first reasons why your puppy is peeing inside the crate is because your puppy is still very young and has a small bladder! Young puppies with small bladders have a hard time holding in their pee for long periods.




Puppies may pee inside the crate because of excitement! Very young puppies lack the bladder muscles to have self-control especially when excited.


It’s not uncommon to see a puppy pee itself if it gets excited playing or when people arrive!




Fear is another reason why your puppy may be pee inside the crate if there is something that scares your puppy enough don’t be suppressed if your pup pees inside the crate.


How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing In The Crate


how to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate


Now that we know the different reasons your puppy may be peeing inside the crate here’s how to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate!


Puppies With Small Bladders: 


More often than not your puppy may be peeing inside the crate simply because they have small bladders and lack of bladder control.


The easiest way how to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate is fairly simple, You want to take your puppy to pee right before you put your puppy in the crate, if your puppy doesn’t pee outside, take your puppy back into the crate and wait 10-15 minutes before taking your puppy outside to again. 


At this stage, your job as puppy parents is to give your puppy as much opportunity to pee in the correct location while using the crate to prevent your puppy from peeing elsewhere in your house.


The only reason that your puppy is peeing inside the crate is most likely because you’ve waited too long before taking your puppy out again.


Puppies With Excitement:


 If your puppy is peeing inside the crate due to over-excitement, the remedy is fairly simple!


Whenever you or guests enter the room that your puppy is crated in be sure to initially ignore your puppy! 


The reason you want to ignore your puppy initially instead of going up to the crate and letting your puppy out is to control your puppy excitement level.


When your puppy begins to calm down you then can approach the crate and let your pup out!


For this, to work you and your guest have to ignore your puppy until he is calm then approach, and let your puppy out.


Puppies With Fear:


It’s very rare for a puppy to be fearful let alone pee because of it. If your puppy is fearful you have to immediately Socialize and expose your puppy properly so that your puppy can over what’s making him fearful check our complete guide on puppy socialization


With fearful puppies, every day has to be deliberately slow and positive. Just hanging out in the same room your puppy is crated in while rewarding your pup can make a major difference.


Step By Step Structure To Stop A Puppy From Peeing Inside The Crate


how to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate


The easiest way how to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate is to provide your puppy with a consistent structure and routine!


Below is the Potty schedule you should be using with your puppies!


7:00 AM- Wake up, Potty walk

7:30 AM- FEED

10:00 AM-2nd Potty walk

Noon – 3rd Potty walk

3/4:00 PM Potty walk


If for any reason your puppy doesn’t pee in a “potty walk” you want to put your puppy back into the crate wait 10-15 minutes and try a potty walk again!


This is a basic structure for young puppies so that your pups begin learning what is the appropriate location to go “potty!




Getting your puppy to finally stop peeing inside the crate doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you are understanding and consistent your puppy will stop peeing inside the crate while learning the Appropriate location to relieve himself!


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