stop dog barking on a leash
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How To Stop Your Dog From Barking On A leash

Finding that your pup just doesn’t stop barking when on the leash? A barking dog can make taking your pup out and about more stressful for you, your pup, and the people around you! Luckily today we’re going over how to stop dog barking on a leash!


How to stop dog barking on a leash made simple:


The simplest way to stop dog barking on a leash is to first use the leash to interrupt your dog when the barking begins and use treats to reward your dog for not barking!


What To Know Before We Begin


stop dog barking on a leash


Dogs can bark on the leash for different reasons from frustration because your dog wants to play to feeling a bit insecure about the other dog here are some reasons why your dog may be barking on the leash.



The most common reason most dogs bark on the leash is due to insecurities that stem from anxiety and fear. 


Fearful dogs bark because they want to create space from there selves and what your dog is fearful of.


The way this usually develops is something like this:


Your dog sees something he is unsure/ uncomfortable with ex other dogs, tall person, etc.. Your dog then barks in an attempt to make whats making him uncomfortable go away.


What usually happens is this, when your dog starts barking you either take him away from what’s making your pup uncomfortable, or whatever your dog is barking leaves because of your dog. 


The issue is that it teaches your dog that barking is a way to make whatever is making him uncomfortable go away.




 The next reason your dog may be barking on the leash is due to frustration.


If your dog is barking due to frustration its most likely because your dog wants to interact with what it’s barking at.


This occurs for various reasons, one of the main reasons your dog may be barking due to frustration is because your pup has been allowed to stare and get fixated with something in his environment which can usually lead to frustration based barking.


Another way you can experience frustration based barking is if you made it a habit to allow your pup to have on-leash greetings with other dogs or people.


Doing this creates an expectation in your dog’s mind that every time you encounter another dog or the person your dog will expect to say “hi” because that is the habit he knows leading to barking due to frustration.


How To Stop Dog Barking On A Leash


stop dog barking on a leash


Now that we understand some of the reasons your dog may be barking on leash here are some ways to effectively stop your dog from barking on a leash:



The first way to stop dog barking on a leash whether its due to being frustrated, fearfulness, or just simply barking for attention is being able to interrupt your dog when he/she begins barking.


Being able to interrupt your dog from barking is an important step because it snaps your dog out of that overly excited state of mind that leads to the barking.


The easiest way to successfully interrupt your dog from barking is by using the leash you already using to walk your dog!


Essentially all you want to do when your dog begins barking is first say “no” letting your dog know that you don’t like that, and then follow the “no” with a firm tug on the leash away from what your dog is barking at!


When interrupting your dog you want to tug firmly enough on the leash that you’re able to interrupt your dog. 


That means if your dog is barking nonstop and you lightly tug on the leash your dog will likely ignore you. 


For you to successfully interrupt your pup you have to tug firmly enough on the leash to meet your dog at the same level he/she is barking at.



The next way to effectively stop dog barking on a leash is using rewards! Using high value treats to reward your dog when your pup isn’t barking is a great way to teach your dog to stop barking! 


When your dog is taking a reward from you and eating your dog cant physically bark.


Rewarding your pup also shifts your dog’s state of mind from one that is high alert and concerned with feeling praised and content.


Combination Of Interruption And Rewarding:


Although rewarding and interrupting your pup is a great way to stop your dog from barking on the leash the best method is using a combination of initially interrupting your pup from barking than following up by rewarding your dog when he successfully stops barking. 


Using this method will consistently begin teaching your pup that barking on the leash isn’t too much fun because whenever your pup does bark you tug firmly on the leash which feels uncomfortable to your dog but also you reward your pup when he stops barking!


Quick Tips: How To Stop Dog Barking On Walks


stop dog barking on a leash


Here are some tips to follow with a dog that barks on the leash.


Don’t let your pup “hard stare”

As a good rule of thumb if you notice that your dog is fixated a staring hard its best to snap your dog out of that fixation. 


Allowing your dog to fixate and get excited about something will likely lead to your dog barking.


Teach Your Dog To Follow You And The Leash.

Its allot harder to interrupt and stop your dog from barking if your pup doesn’t know how to follow you or the leash.


If your dog is consistently pulling on a leash the first step should be to teach your pup how to walk on the leash without pulling.


Reward Your Dog At The Right Time

When rewarding your dog you want to ensure that you reward your pup at the right time so that you are not rewarding the wrong behavior!



Ultimately going out with your dog shouldn’t feel embarrassing or a hassle! 


The following steps outlined in this post should help stop your pup’s reactive barking on the leash! This will also help you learn how to stop dog barking on walks.


If your finding that your pup isn’t responding to the tips laid out in this article feel free to contact us we’d love to help whether its virtually or in person!


To awaken your dog’s true potential contact us here or Give us a call!

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