what are martingale dog collars
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What Are Martingale Dog Collars

Shopping for different dog collars? Maybe you’ve stumbled upon the martingale and are wondering what are martingale dog collars?


No worries in this article we will cover what are martingale dog collars and if there the right collar for you and your pup!


What are martingale dog collars the simple answer


Martingale dog collars are essentially a dog training collar used to gain more control on a walk with your pup by increasing the discomfort your dog feels either when your dog starts to pull on the leash, or you pull on the leash.


 The martingale essentially increases the discomfort your dog feels by getting tighter around your dog’s neck the more you or dog pulls on the leash.


Why Use a Martingale dog collar?


what are martingale dog collars


Martingale dog collars are ultimately used to gain more control on a walk with a dog that normally pulls on the leash.


Still curious as to what are martingale dog collars?


Below well cover how this collar is used to teach your dog to walk on leash without pulling.


How Do You Properly Use A Martingale Dog Collar?


When understanding what are martingale dog collars you have to understand how to properly use one!


Although the martingale is a dog training collar, it is not as simple as putting the dog collar on your pup and expecting your dog to walk perfectly.


You have to teach your dog how to respond with the martingale collar on.


Essentially the martingale dog collar increases the discomfort your dog feels either when your dog pulls on the leash or you pull on the leash.


What we want to begin teaching your dog is that although he may feel this minor discomfort whenever you or your pup pulls on the leash the way to make all that discomfort go away is to follow you and the leash!


The easiest way to begin teaching your dog to take direction from you and the leash is by applying tension on the either to the left or right of your dog’s neck.


The moment that your dog takes a step and walks in the direction you’re applying on, you want to then release all the tension on the leash providing slack.


This begins teaching you a dog that whenever he begins pulling it feels uncomfortable and to make that uncomfortable feeling go away your dog simply has to walks in the direction that you pull on the leash.


The most important aspect of this is providing your dog with slack by dropping all the tension on the leash, whenever your pup walks in the direction that you were providing leash tension to.



– The dog begins to pull

– Apply tension on the leash towards the right side of your pup’s neck

– When your pup walks to the right, release all tension, and provide slack on the leash.


How not to use the martingale dog collar


Now that you have a basic understanding of how to use the martingale dog collar here’s what you should avoid.


As a rule of thumb, you never want your dog to walk when there is tension on the leash because then you are teaching your dog to pull again.


You don’t want your dog to pull and get access to something he wants, doing this will teach your dog that if he pulls hard enough he will get what he wants.


You only want to apply tension on the leash to give your dog direction to where to walk. use this to bring your dog next to you in a heel position.


Is A Martingale Dog Collar Right For Your Dog?


what are martingale dog collars


Now that you know what are martingale dog collars, your probably wondering is the martingale the best collar to use to teach your dog to walk on the leash without dragging you!


Every dog is different and whether you use a martingale to teach your dog to walk on the leash without pulling is going to be completely dependent on your individual dog.


Meaning some dogs won’t ever need a training collar like a martingale while some dogs may benefit from the martingale or other training collars.


A good question to ask yourself is:


How sensitive is your dog?


If your dog is very sensitive to collars and when you pull on the leash you probably won’t need a training collar.


Whereas if you have a very insensitive dog, pulling on the leash wheezing, etc then a training collar is a great tool to teach your heavy puller to follow you and the leash


Here is another dog training collar that you may also look into




Ultimately when asking what are martingale dog collars and whether they’re the right fit for you and your dog, take a look at your dog’s behavior and everything covered in this article. 


If you want guidance on how to use a training collar we currently have an online course covering the a-Z of how to train your dog. 


To awaken your dog’s true potential contact us here or Give us a call!

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